To rally means “to come together, inspire anew.” The French “re-allier” was first used in the early 17th century.

How apropos (also a 17th-century word): This year’s rally was held on the Gaspesie Peninsula, where many early relationships between the French and the Mi’kmaq were established in the 17th century.

This year’s national rally once again delivered on its promise to provide opportunities for all RVers—from tent trailer owners to million-dollar bus conversions and everything in between—to come together, learn, share, get inspired, and have fun.

Three other words that we can use to describe this year’s rally include:

  • Resilience:
  • Neil and Mary’s broken trailer bearing just outside of Matane; Dave’s truck transmission breakdown 100 km from Camping des Appalaches; Karen and Paul’s toad only wanting to go backwards; Bob and Debra’s trailer tire replacement; the whale-watching tours cancelled due to the breakdown of both Zodiacs; unexpected extra serving and clean-up dinner duties.
Whale Watching

Photo credit Richard Quenneville

Explorer members by the lake

Gespeg Mi’gmaq Interpretation Site

Gaspesie Museum

  • Learning:
  • Tours of the Gespeg Mi’gmaq Interpretation Site, the Gaspesie Museum, and two areas of Forillon National Park. Dave’s presentation on options for staying connected while on the road. Gail & Martin’s demo on appetizers and introduction to the basics of South Asian cooking. Sharing tips such as cooking pasta in a tube and the free IOverlander2 trip planning app. Storytelling and music around the campfire. Feike recounts his Newfoundland travel adventures. Sharing life experiences and perspectives include running Canada’s locks to systems design, procurement, pest control, garlic growing, food catering, construction, IT project management, nursing, teaching, military service, farming, and bookkeeping.
  • Generosity:
  • We raised $790.00 for the Canadian Cancer Society through the silent auction and sale of 50-50 tickets. A special thank you to Feike for donating his 50-50 winnings. (We’re still wondering about how first-time attendees Jeff and Karen won three draws in a row!) Shout outs also to all the people who volunteered to help with registration, games, set-up, ticket sales, and clean-up. Thank you to Cassie for volunteering to chop 11 pounds of onions.

Welcome to our newest members, Cassie and Mitch Gillings, who first heard about the Explorer RV Club while camping in Carmacks, Yukon, earlier this summer. Our thoughts and best wishes also go to Betty, Sylvia, and Al, who had to cancel out at the last minute.

Of course, a special thank you to Karen and Paul for their dedication, patience, and professionalism. Thank you, Karen, for spending your birthday with us!

It was great to meet Zoe, Lola, Luna, Sonic, Katie, Nova, Milo, and the other canine attendees, too!

Plans for next year’s rally are underway. Stay tuned to learn if we’ll meet in Ottawa, Niagara Falls, or another location that is yet to be determined.

PS – You people are amazing! It truly takes a village, and Explorer RV Club members always show up, pitch in, understand when things take a sidestep, and have a blast while doing it. Thank you all for your support. Have a safe off-season, and see you next year. – Karen

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